Friday, March 6, 2009

Off to the travel doctor we go...

This week saw us go and have a consultation with a doctor who specializes in travel medicine. He spent well over 1.5 hours going over what countries we plan to visit and then trying to figure out the risk of us contracting some of the deadliest diseases these areas have to offer. He considers things like time of year, length of stay, weather conditions, accommodation options and the destinations we plan to visit.

A flood of information came pouring out of the doctors mouth and Alain and I struggled to absorb as much of it as we could. We had a crash course in what to do in the event of getting a dog bite or monkey scratch, how to sterilize water, and what we should do if we develop a fever in a Malaria zone. We were also given a copy of Dr Deborah Mills' book - Travelling Well, which is sort of like the travellers medical guide equivalent to the bible.

In the end, we decided to each get a Hepatitis A vaccination, and Alain and I also got a Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis booster.

Poor Mia spotted the needles whilst the nurse was preparing the shots and kinda lost the plot, so no guesses as to who was first up to get their vaccinations! She calmed down pretty quickly once she was given a lolly to munch on though... Dallas on the other hand, didn't have a clue as to what was going on until it was all over and Alain and I... Well, we managed to survive!

Impressionnant ce docteur specialise en voyages autour du monde, il connait tout sur tous les pays, les differentes regions de chaque pays avec les differentes saisons et les risques de chopper tel ou tel virus avec les meilleurs moyens de s'en proteger, il nous a file un bouquin de 500 pages: "comment voyager en bonne sante..." et nous a recommende une liste de 15 vaccins chacun! le tout pour seulement 2000 euros! et j'ai dit "Certainement, et vous allez payer nos billets d'avions!!!". J'exagere un peu mais bref, on a decide de se prendre 4 vaccins chacun (hepatite A, et 3 autres...) et on a retenu des tonnes d'informations pour rester en bonnes sante c'etait donc tres utile.
Apres les mots, l'action: les vaccins, des que Mia a apercu les aiguilles, c'etait foutu pour elle donc pleurs et pleurs... Par contre pour Dallas, les garcons etant toujours un peu plus lents, le temps qu'il comprenne ce qui se passe, c'etait deja finis!


  1. MY poor Mia Princess:(:( Had a crack up about that mence DALLAS, he knew what was going on he was gonna get a LOLLI POP!!! hahaha Wow so much to prepare, but thats all part off the fun. I love this it like reading a book cant wait to read the next page.... Bring on the journey...xxxx..

  2. THE SONG IS SO FITTING LOVE IT!!! Will think off you every time i hear it now :):)
