Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Where we stayed - Bharion Vilas

From Jaisalmer we headed to Bikaner for an overnight stay, enrout to Jaipur. We visited Bikaners Fort, but were weren't really impressed with it as we'd seen better just days before... This town did however win first prize in the 'Stinkiest town we've visited in India'! OMG, this town is just rank, I can't even begin to describe the stench... *gag*

The next day we were up early and visited the legendary Karni Mata Temple (aka - The Rat Temple) in nearby Deshnok. We all made it into the temple and for a few brief moments, all was well... That was until one of the hundreds of holy rats decided to start running directly towards Mia. The poor poppet freak out majorly, so I gratefully took her back out in the courtyard. Dallas however wanted to stay and look at the rats with this father, so off they went... About 5 minutes later we spotted Alain and Dallas emerging from the temple, however, Dallas was no longer walking. He was safely perched upon his fathers shoulders... away from the rats!

1 comment:

  1. The rats look disgusting, if i was mia i would of freaked out aswell !
    Awhi x
